Cookie Policy

We use cookies to distinguish you from other users on our Site. This helps us to enhance your user experience when you browse and also allows us to improve our Site.

Like many websites, when you visit our Site or click on an advert of ours on another website we issue 'cookies' or unique code that allows us to identify your computer. We use cookies to note the different areas of our Site recently accessed through your computer, which of our adverts you were interested in and to identify which websites and adverts about us are of interest to you after you leave our Site. We will use the information collected in this way to tell you about services or products which might be of interest to you when you make further visits to our Site, or through other websites from which we provide advertisements. 

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but your browser's settings can be altered to prevent this. In addition, Cookies can be deleted from your hard-drive. How you do this will depend upon the Internet browser that you use. Please refer to your relevant Internet browser manufacturer's website where you should be able to receive the information you need.

We may need to ask for your consent to the use of cookies set out in this Privacy Policy when you first access the Site and if we introduce any new cookies to the Site. If so, when you first visit the Site a banner will appear asking you to accept the cookies that we set on the Site.

If you agree to cookies from our Site by clicking "OK" or by continuing to use the Site, we will set cookies on your computer. If you wish to delete the cookies we have set on your computer, please refer to your browser ‘Help’ menu.